What We Believe At Kitwe Church
We hold the following Articles of Faith to be the fundamental truths of the Christian faith taught in Scripture. Upon these doctrines (teachings) rests the gospel, and without these truths the gospel is lost:
- We believe that the words contained in the sixty-six books comprising the Old and New Testaments were spoken by God and that He moved men to write them down. These words are without error in their original writings. As the words of God they are the final authority for everything we believe and practice as Christians. (2 Timothy 3:16,17, 2 Peter 1:20-21)
- We believe in the existence of one true living God (Deuteronomy 6:4). We believe that the Godhead exists in three persons called a tri-unity (Trinity). This Godhead consists of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These persons are in essence co-equal and co-eternal yet exercise distinct works in complete harmony with one another. (Matthew 28:19; I Corinthians 8:6; I John 5:7)
- We believe God the Father is an infinite and perfect Spirit who is the source and support of all things. He is complete in perfections and purposes. (Genesis 17:1; Psalm 139:7, 11; Acts 15:18; Ephesians 1:11)
- We believe Jesus Christ was and is the Eternal Son of God possessing absolute deity and perfect humanity. Born of the Virgin Mary He lived a sinless life and gave His life on the cross as a sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. He arose bodily from the grave, ascended back into heaven and is now the believer’s representative and Great High Priest. (John 1:1, 15a; 9:6; Hebrews 4:15; I Timothy 2:6; Luke 24:39; I John 2:1)
- We believe the Holy Spirit is a person equal in essence to the Father and Son. He is actively involved in the world to bring the lost to Christ for salvation and to perform many wonderful ministries for the children of God. He gives gifts to believers and fills Christians thus giving them power for service. (Matthew 28:19; John 3:5; 16:8; I Corinthians 6:19; 12:7ff, 13; Ephesians 4:30; 5:18)
- We believe in the existence of angels. Angels are spirit beings created by God for the purpose of bringing Him glory and fulfilling His purposes in the universe. They are more powerful than human beings but are not all powerful. Psalm 103:20; 148:5; Hebrews 1:13-14
- We believe there exists a group of “fallen angels” led by Satan. Satan, also known as the devil, is a real person created by God as the angel Lucifer. Lucifer rebelled against God and lost his position in heaven. When he was cast out of heaven he took some of the angels with him. Today these fallen angels (demonic hosts) serve Satan just as the good angels serve God. Satan opposes God and God’s people in any way possible. His eternal destiny is the lake of fire. (Isaiah 14:12-14; I Peter 5:8; Revelation 12:7; 20:10)
- We believe that man is a direct creation of God and was created in the image and likeness of God. Adam and Eve were created sinless but chose to sin against God and in so doing caused all of mankind to be born sinners by nature and by desire. In the fall, mankind earned the just condemnation of a Holy God resulting in both spiritual and physical death. (Genesis 1:26-27; 3:1-19; Romans 5:12-19; 2:10-12, 23)
- We believe in the salvation of sinners. The basis of our salvation is the finished work of Christ in His death on the cross. This salvation is obtained through repentance of our sin toward God and belief in Jesus Christ as our Savior. Salvation does not come by what we can do but by what He has done and is freely offered to all. When we receive Christ as our Savior we are regenerated (given a new spiritual nature), declared to be just, adopted as children of God, sanctified (the continuing process of denying ourselves and taking on the nature of Christ), and some day we shall be glorified (in heaven). When we are saved we cannot ever be lost because our destiny depends on His keeping power, not our own. (John 3:16; Acts 3:19; 4:12; 20:21; Romans 5:1; 8:15, 30; I Corinthians 6:11; Ephesians 2:8-9; Philippians 1:6; I Timothy 4:10; Titus 3:5-7)
We believe that the following doctrines, though not fundamental to our faith, are however very important to our Christian walk and to our unity as a local church. Where true Christians may disagree on these points those disagreements should be marked by charity.
- We believe that the universe as well as mankind is a result of the direct creative act of God. God created the universe and that which it contains in six consecutive days of 24 hours each. We reject all forms of evolution whether theistic or naturalistic. (Genesis 1:1, 27; Colossians 1:16)
- We believe in sanctification – the continual lifelong spiritual transformation of the believer starting from the point of salvation. The believer is being set apart for God’s service and that results in the believer becoming more like his Jesus. (I Corinthians 1:2; Philippians 3:20-21; II Peter 3:18; I John 3:2)
- We believe God gives spiritual gifts to every Christian to use in service to and through the local church. Every believer is to use his/her gifts for the ultimate purpose of bringing glory to God rather than the one in possession of the gift. (Romans 12:6-8; Ephesians 2:20-21; 4:11-12; Hebrews 2:4)
- Among the gifts listed in the Bible, we believe that sign gifts (miracles, speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues, prophecy) were temporary in nature and given to the church in its infant state before the completion of the canon of Scripture (defined in article 1). We believe that God can still work in miraculous ways when he deems fit, but we do not believe that Christians today are given miraculous gifts to use at will as was common in the early days of the church. (Romans 12:6-8; I Corinthians 12:1-11; 13:8; 2 Corinthians 12:12; Ephesians 2:20-21; 4:11-12; Hebrews 2:4)
- We believe in the church of Jesus Christ as God’s institution for this age to accomplish His purposes in the world. There are two senses in which the Bible presents the concept of the church. First, the universal church is often referred to as the body of Christ and is comprised of all believers from Pentecost (the birth of the church) to the Rapture. Second, local churches are visible expressions of the body of Christ meeting in a particular time and place. Christ is the Head of the Church and therefore the Word of God is to be source of authority for the church. The local church is to be comprised of biblically baptized (by immersion) believers who meet together for worship, fellowship, service, instruction, and evangelism. Local churches are to be led by men serving in the Biblical offices of pastors (elders) and deacons. Local churches are expected to observe the two ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s supper. (Acts 1:5; 2:41-47; I Corinthians 11:17-34; 12:13; Galatians 1:2; Colossians 1:18; I Timothy 3:2, 8)
- We believe that God has a plan and a program for the end of the ages. The next event on God’s prophetic calendar is the return of the Lord Jesus. We believe in Christ’s imminent return and that His return will be accomplished in two phases. The first is called the Rapture of the church. Following the Rapture there will be seven years of divine judgement on the earth known as the Tribulation period. This seven years of tribulation is climaxed by the second phase of Christ’s return referred to as the Revelation. At this time Christ will come to the earth as the King of Kings to conquer. Following the Revelation of Jesus will be the Millennial reign of Christ where he rules on this earth for one thousand years. At the end of the Millennium Satan will be released from captivity to lead one final rebellion culminating in the Great White Throne Judgment of all the lost throughout human history. After the last judgment is complete the eternal state is ushered in. We believe in the conscious eternal punishment of the lost in hell and the blessed eternal joy of the saints in heaven. (I Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation 3:10; 6-19; 19:11-16; 20:1-6, 11-15; 21:1-8)
- We believe God has called believers out from the sinfulness of the world in order to live a life that is set apart for God’s special use. Therefore, believers should refrain from attitudes, actions, and relationships that, although common to the world, would demean and taint the believer. This separation from the world does not mean isolation from the world, but rather an intentional commitment to remain holy for God. As a church we believe co-operation with other churches should be extended to those with whom we share strong similarities in our precious faith as defined in this doctrinal statement. (Romans 16:17; I Corinthians 6:19-20; II Corinthians 6:14-17; I Thessalonians 5:22; II Thessalonians 3:6, 14-15; I John 2:15, 17; II John 9, 10)
- We believe in the historic Baptist distinctives – We identify with a rich heritage of those who have held to the following scripturally derived principles: biblical authority, autonomy of the local church, priesthood of the believer, two ordinances, individual soul liberty, saved and baptized church membership, two church offices, and separation of church and state.