Bible Studies

Today Marks Two Years Of Ministry For Kitwe Church!

Kitwe Church exists to glorify God by making gospel-centered, reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ. Our identification as Christians is not national, ethnic or cultural, our identification is that we are children of the King. The church is the place where the world can see in microcosm what the Kingdom of God looks like.  People from…

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Sermons From Kitwe Church Available For Download

Each week the sermons preached at Kitwe Church are uploaded to our church page.  These mp3 audio files are available to stream online or for free download. Here are links to the three sermons from our most recent short series on Qualities Required In Church Leaders.  Qualities Required in Church Leaders Part 1 Qualities…

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The Prerequisite for Spiritual Passion

The Prerequisite of Spiritual Passion Text:  2 Kings 4:1-7 Since we have arrived in Zambia, I have heard several people make comment about wanting to experience a spiritual breakthrough.  It seems to be a common expression here and around the world, but what do people mean by it?  Well, there are many things, but here…

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How To Walk Worthy of Your Calling

In our series on Discovering the Church we have looked at four pictures of the church. We have seen the church as a family and the goal is maturity.  We also saw the church as a field – the goal being the quantity of our fruitfulness. We have seen the church as a building the temple…

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I have entitled this study: “Biblical Baptism – an ordinance of the local church” (listen or download) because my intent this morning is to appeal directly to Scripture to get a clear understanding of this important and often misunderstood subject. An ordinance – authoritative order, a religious decree. There are two ordinances given by Christ to the…

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The Church is a Building – the Goal is Quality!

1 Corinthians 3: 9b-17 Today we will resume a series that Phil and I have started long ago, before Easter. The subject of this series is “The Pictures of The Church.” The question we are seeking to answer is, “What is a church?” So far in this series we have seen that “The Church is…

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Why I Believe In The Resurrection

Two days ago my wife’s uncle died after a long battle with cancer. Death is not natural to life. It is not part of the original created order. We recoil from death we wish to be far from it. When we hear the footsteps of death coming for us we fight and some fear it.…

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The Need For The Cross

Palm Sunday is typically remember for the triumphant entrance of Christ into Jerusalem. From the Jew’s point of view in that day, this was the highlight of His ministry. And yet by Friday He was hanging on the cross, dying the tortured death of a criminal. What went wrong in five days to fall from…

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Our Source of Power for Salvation and Godliness

Life is tough. How can God expect us to live like He asks us to live? Too many of us have a testimony of frustration over our own inability to live life the way God asks. Peter instructs us that God does in fact expect us to live righteously in this world.  (Therefore, beloved, be…

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The Church Is A Family

Nothing brings more joy than the birth of a child.  The goal a family has for a child is not just that a child is born, but it is to see the child grow to maturity and to live a productive life. There is great joy in watching the early development of a baby – the first…

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