Healing From Guilt

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In our family devotions we are reading Daily Reflections on the Names of God (by Ava Pennington).  Today we considered God by his name Jehovah Rapha which means: “The Lord Who Heals.”

If you are like me, when you hear the word “healing” right away you think of God taking care of some physical problem. Certainly God cares about healing our physical infirmities but there is a deeper and more important aspect to Jehovah Rapha being our Healer.

In Psalm 38 King David points to Jehovah Rapha as the God who heals us of the physical and emotional burden we carry over the guilt of our past sins.  Here is what Ava said to our family this morning:

Guilt is more than a bad feeling.  It can cause physical complications such as hypertension, insomnia, or ulcers.  More importantly, guilt can destroy relationships with others and with the Lord.

David understood the physical and emotional burden of his sin.  We feel his pain and guilt in Psalm 38. Anxiousness weighed on his spirit, his wounds festered, and his strength failed.  Yet he wisely did not seek help from family or friends. His only hope or relief was in the Lord.

Today, the Lord is frequently the last place we go for healing. We cover our wounds with a bandage and hope the pain fades as we seek the world’s solutions. Counselors say guilt is old-fashioned baggage that should be discarded. Friends affirm our right to enjoy life without constraint. Alchohol and drugs temporarily deaden the pain. Yet the guilt and pain remain.

All the while, Yahweh Rapha waits for us to turn to Him. We we surrender to the Lord, He will treat the guilt that causes our pain.  He sent His Son for that very purpose.

Only Yaweh Rapha could heal David, and He is the only one who can heal us today.

Too often we try to cover up our guilt!  If we come to God in humble submission we will find true forgiveness and healing from the guilt of our past sins.  Maybe, just maybe we will find that our physical health will improve too!

If you would like to speak with a biblical counselor at Kitwe Church please email us at kitwechurch@gmail.com or call 0976153466.

Phil Hunt