Word For The Day: God is ready to answer as we pray to advance the gospel

Good morning church.
The Word for the Day is taken from 1 Timothy 2:3-4. Yesterday we learned that we are to pray for government officials at every level to manage in such a way that we can live out our faith and proclaim the gospel freely. Today we begin to look at the gospel itself.
In verse 3, we learn that praying for government leaders so we can freely live and proclaim the gospel is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior. By the way, here is a clear statement presenting the deity of Christ. He is referred to as “God our Saviour.” Verse 4 tells us that this kind of praying pleases God because He “desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.” Here is the principle for today: God is ready to answer as we pray to advance the gospel.
We know God is ready to answer our prayers to advance the gospel because of God’s desire that all people would be saved. We need to be a bit cautious here, This Verse does not say all people will be saved. But speaks of God’s desire for all people to be saved. But we do have a wonderful motive to pray for the advancement of the gospel knowing that God’s desire will also move Him to answer prayer.
The intensity by which we pray for the advancement of the gospel reveals our desire for the gospel. If we have the same desire as a God, desiring all people to be saved, we will pray with intention and intensity. If we know God has a desire to answer prayers for the advancement of the gospel, we will pray with consistency. Does our prayer life demonstrate a desire to see all people saved? If not, let’s ask God to give us the same desire He has for people, and let’s pray.
We’re in the grip of God’s Grace. Have a great day!
Pastor Tim