Word For The Day: Kindness Toward An Offender
Today’s Word for the Day comes to us from Ephesians 4:32. At this point, it would be a good idea to read Ephesians 4:29-32 for some context. We continue the study of God’s Kindness.
Yesterday we looked at Psalm 51:1 and we saw that God’s kindness motivates and encourages us to approach Him in prayerful repentance when we sin against Him. We might even say that it is God’s kindness that attracts us to Him.Today’s text (Ephesians 4:32), exhorts is to be kind to one another. The phrase “Be kind to one another” is an imperative, or command. This means that showing kindness to one another isn’t an option but is a mandate. So here is the principle: The same kindness God showed us we are to show one another.
Kindness is a powerful fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). One act of kindness can turn someone’s day from discouraging to encouraged, hopeless to hopeful, bitter to blessed. Note the powerful but practical ways Paul exhorts is to demonstrate kindness.
First, we need to be tenderhearted toward one another. That means we should be willing to understand another person’s circumstances. Be ready to sympathize and empathize with one another.
Second, be ready to forgive one another. And maybe the hard part here is to be ready to forgive AS Christ forgave us.
So here’s an application for us. Remember in Psalm 51:1 what allowed David to come to God and repent and seek forgiveness? God’s kindness!!! David knew God was ready to forgive him. Kindness makes it easy for someone who has offended us to come for forgiveness. Kindness says “I’m READY to forgive”. That’s a gospel-centered community in action.
If we’re having trouble being kind towards someone who has offended us, I suggest we read Isaiah 53:4-10 for a reminder of God’s kindness extended to us through the gospel.
Have a great and godly day!
Pastor Tim