Posts by Phil Hunt

📖 Word For The Day: Growing Through Adversity

                        Who among us enjoys an encounter with adversity? We desire for everything to go according to plan, and for life to be easy. Why is it that the reality of our Christian life is something very different? Adversity is the womb in which…

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📖 Word For The Day: Trusting God For Guidance

                        There are times in life when you arrive at a T-Junction and, you have to make a life-changing decision to go left or right. In these moments, the growing Christian earnestly seeks God’s will through prayer, counsel, and the Scriptures. But what involvement…

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📖 Word For The Day: Messengers For God

                      On Sundays, we have been learning in the Book of Jonah three truths about the heart of God toward sinners:1. God is compassionate.2. God is sovereign.3. God is patient. If you missed our study in the Book of Jonah yesterday, here is the link.…

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📖 Word For The Day: Trust God’s Sovereign Power

                        Today’s Word for the Day is taken from 1 Peter 4:19. For the past few days, we have been discussing the normal life of suffering for the Christian. We’ll finish the discussion today knowing the Bible has much more to say on the…

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📖 Word For The Day: Suffer For The Right Thing

                        Today’s Word for the Day is taken from 1 Peter 4:15-16. Please read that text now. WHAT: Yesterday we discussed the reality for the Christian is to expect to suffer. In other words, suffering is our portion. I also said that suffering is…

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📖 Word For The Day: Honor Him With Your Life

                      Good morning Kitwe Church. This week’s Word for the Day will be coming from 1 Peter. I plan to take a few fundamental principles from 1 Peter for us to apply in our relationship with God, each other, and the world in which we…

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📖 Word For The Day: Personally Pre-Planned By God

Good morning Church Family, Whatever the circumstances surrounding your birth, your parents, and the place you were born – you were personally pre-planned by the Creator God. Jeremiah 1:5Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”…

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