
One Fellowship – The Fellowship of the Gospel

Our text is taken today from Philippians 1:3-8. We all live for something, each of us have a purpose in our life. Whether or not you could articulate what you are living for right now or not, doesn’t change the fact that it exists. When people share a common goal, there is a very high…

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Accomplishing The Mission of Jesus

Do we really understand the desperate needs that exist around us? Late one afternoon staff at Faith Children’s Village brought a lone visitor to see out Administrator. The young visitor was a little girl, 11 years old.  She had walked all day, crossing the Kafue River to find this place where she heard that people cared for…

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The Calling of the Church

Back in 2010 I received an envelope in the mail from our local courthouse.  Inside was a letter stating I was being summoned to appear at the courthouse on a specific date for a specific purpose – to serve as a member of the jury of fellow citizens who would decide the guilt or innocence…

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