Bible Studies

Healing From Guilt

Guilt is more than a bad feeling. It can cause physical complications such as hypertension, insomnia, or ulcers. More importantly, guilt can destroy relationships with others and with the Lord.

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Characteristics of a Model Church for a Modern World

What comes to mind when you hear the word “church”? A building with a steeple and a cross? A denomination with ecclesiastical hierarchy?  There was a time when I was boy that I would have told you that the first thing I thought of when I heard the word “church” was boring! What is this…

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Marriage: A Picture of Perfect Love

I hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day yesterday. It is meant to be a celebration of love and that applies to all of us in all ages because God is love and he demonstrated his love for all of us. For those of you who are married, I hope it had even more significance…

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Getting A Handle On A Love That Never Fails

On April 6, 2000, Ricky and Toni Sexton were taken hostage inside their Wytheville, Virginia, home by a fugitive couple on a crime spree. Toni had taken her poodle outside when Dennis Lewis, 37, and Angela Tanner, 20, roared into her driveway, pointed pistols at her, and yelled at her to get back inside the…

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Responding to Perfect Love

Last week we began a new series on the theme of love. The need for love is a powerful thing isn’t it? I mean everyone needs love. Even the toughest of men who act as if they don’t need anything or anyone still crave to be loved by someone. That is why every action film…

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Finding Perfect Love – The Test

Do you love God? We live in a nation of religious people, people who claim to know and love God. Perhaps you consider yourself religious? Often the hearts of religious people are in love with the world. They are influenced by the priorities and values of the world around them (1 John 2:15-16). The key verse…

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Finding Freedom Through Forgiveness

How do you react when you are wronged? Do you feel sorry for yourself? Perhaps you become angry? Maybe you don’t blow up but you become critical and judgmental of the one who offended you? Do you develop a complaining spirit? Perhaps your personality is to bottle it all up inside? Do you replay the…

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A Choice in 2015: Who Will You Serve?

Many people make resolutions at the start of a new year.  In the past I have made some myself. some of them I carried through with, some I did not. Perhaps you have made some resolutions for the coming year: Resolve to start going to church Resolve to read Bible through in the year Resolve…

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The Good Shepherd

Looking back over our posts this year I realized that we missed posting the notes from the Bible Study on Sunday November 30.  These notes took us through the end of chapter 10 in our study of the Gospel of John. INTRODUCTION: Sheep are completely dependent upon their shepherd. Someone once said jokingly that sheep…

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Christmas IMPLICATIONS for the Rest of the Year

We have gazed at the angels on the hills outside Bethlehem.  We have have rushed with he shepherds to visit the manger with our mind’s eye we have gazed at the Christ-child. We have spent precious time with family and friends.  The gifts have been opened, the meals have been prepared and consumed. Christmas is over, now what?…

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