Posts by Admin

Biblical Guidelines for the Deacon Ministry at Kitwe Church

I Timothy 3:8-13 The church is a living organism. The church is the body of Christ in whom the Spirit of the living God dwells! In the life of every organism there are growing pains, we welcome them because the goal of every living organism is growth. The character and effectiveness of any church is directly…

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In Desperate Pursuit of a Transformed Life

As you know we recently returned from a visit back to America to present updates to our supporting churches.  This time was extremely valuable because it was a time for reflection on my life.  I saw what I was doing well and saw areas where I was worn out:  Mental stress, physical Health, Spiritual Stamina,…

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Standing Firm: Resolving Conflict As Kingdom Citizens

On January 30th, 1945, Company B, 15th Regiment, 3rd Infantry was attacked by a superior German force outside the city of Holdwihr, France.  Six tanks and 250 German infantry advanced on about 100 American soldiers.  The American force took heavy casualties, and First Lt. Audie Murphy ordered his troops to retreat to the nearby forest…

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A person becomes an automatic citizen of a country by birth. Our first child born in Africa was Austin.  He was born in the Kalalushi Mine Hospital.  After Austin was born the hospital gave us a hospital report of birth.  We took that report to the Office of Births and Deaths in Lusaka and received a…

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Disciples, Fish & The Kitwe Church Music Ministry

The morning at practice I made mention of our service that we stand in and our responsibility as the Music Team of Kitwe Church.  I try to encourage all to understand our role to play in this and it took my mind back to the days that Jesus walked the earth and served everyone with…

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Christ Our Greatest Treasure

Today we find ourselves in the third chapter of Paul’s letter to this church in the city of Philippi. Throughout this letter of Philippians Paul has confronted these Christians with the need to embrace right thinking! Our thinking affects our living – what we believe, what our minds are occupied with will determine how we view…

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The People God Uses To Serve His Church

Today in our text Philippians 2:19-30, we see the people God uses to serve His church. The context helps us understand the environment of the people Paul is writing to.  Paul is calling the Philippian Christians to behave as citizens worthy of the gospel of Christ (1:27). Philippi was a Roman colony with a population of…

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When light comes in, darkness scurries away. Light and darkness are mortal enemies, they cannot stay together in one place. Just as east is opposite of west, so light and darkness are mutually exclusive. Darkness is nothingness. Darkness is the absence of light. You once lived in darkness… maybe you still do. You lived in…

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The Health guru says, “You are what you eat.” But that is not correct.   “You are what you think!” The attitudes of your inner man is what you really are: “As a man thinks in His heart, so is he!” (Pr.23;7) Christians are to live with each other in such a way that the reality…

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Following in the Footsteps of Faith: The Presence of the Church

  “Christianity is responsible for the way our society is organized and for the way we currently live. So extensive is the Christian contribution to our laws, our economics, our politics, our arts, our calendar, our holidays, and our moral and cultural priorities that historian J. M. Robers writes in The Triumph of the West,…

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