
Finding Mercy At The “House of Mercy”

Today our text is found in John 5:1-16. Remember what John is doing – he is laying out a case for us the readers, that Jesus is God and that He is the only way for us to come to God. John is not recording everything Jesus said or did. Instead he is narrating key…

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Living Water For A Thirsty Soul

Thirst is deep craving of the body for fluids. People dying of thirst have been known to drink saltwater from the sea knowing it would kill them so powerful is the intense craving for water! Because of the powerful imagery “thirst” is used often as a metaphor in the English language. Thirst has come to…

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You Can Study The Bible For Yourself! Here’s How

You can study the Bible for yourself! The Word of God is powerful in its affect upon our life (Heb 4:12) and the Word of God is profitable for every aspect of our life! (2 Tim 3:15-17).  Something that powerful and profitable is worth the investment of time in learning how to study it in order…

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You Must Be Born Again

You may be the man in our story today!  His name? Nicodemus. He was a sincere, honorable man, respected among his peers, having committed his life to serve God. Yet for all those admirable qualities Nicodemus was spiritually dead, living in darkness… condemned. This story should make each one of use face the sobering reality…

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The Wedding in Cana

This morning we are looking at an event which took place early on in the public life of Jesus. This event is recorded in the second chapter of the gospel of John. Background Before we see what takes place in this event, we need to first stop and get our bearings. John was perhaps the closest…

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When Darkness Is Your Closest Friend

One of the men that has been a great blessing to me through his writing ministry is Paul Tripp.  If you can ever get hold of a copy of “Instruments In The Redeemer’s Hands” you won’t be disappointed! On Monday Paul posted an article on his website entitled: Darkness is my closest friend.  Here is…

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Becoming A Disciple

I read this helpful reminder that sets the context for our study today: The Founder of Christianity is Jesus Christ. The Goal of Christianity: change men and women through regeneration. The Method of Christianity: Internal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ – and that is the main point of what we have seen thus far…

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The Call of a Father

Today we want to look at the call of a father from God’s perspective. Our text today is found in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 31 through chapter 6 verse 4. If you are like me you probably were not well prepared to be a father. As much as I try I don’t have happy memories…

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How To Interpret the Bible For Yourself

As we gather each week to study the Word of God together we seek to approach Scripture in a way that is consistent with the command to “rightly divide the Word of Truth.” Pastor Charles Wood has been retired for a number of years.  Once and awhile I get an email from him with helpful…

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