Bible Studies

Word For The Day: God’s Unfailing Love

“The Lord’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in Him.”Psalm 32:10 Stop, go back and read that again. God’s love cannot fail! God’s love never stops, never wavers; it is constant. As we go through adversities, setbacks, and the uncertainties of life, one thing that NEVER changes is that God’s love is unfailing. There…

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Word For The Day: God’s Love In Discipline

Today I want to continue a series of devotions on “Trusting God Even When Life Hurts.” These devotions summarize a book by Jerry Bridges with the same title. I hope you will get a copy of that book and read it for yourself! We have seen that God is Sovereign and loving, but this does…

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Connection Group: Living in Gospel Community Requires Confrontation

The connection group discussion this week: Confronting Others For Change. Our Person Study is Peter: Definition of Confront – to rebuke, correct. Prov. 6:23, Titus 2:11-12,15, Prov. 3:11-12 First Confrontation in Scripture In the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:9,11,13) 1. What was God’s purpose in confronting Adam & Eve? Answer – To cause them to…

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Word For The Day: Purity of Heart

In the last few devotionals, we have been talking about issues of the heart. Today I would like to take you again to the most famous sermon ever preached, the sermon on the mount. In it, Jesus talks about the righteousness that is need of a citizen of the kingdom, a righteousness of the heart.…

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Word For The Day: Prayer and Proclamation

We’re continuing our study through 1 Timothy 2:1-7, and we’re learning to pray for the advancement of the gospel. This morning we’re taking The Word for the Day from 1 Timothy 2:5-6. Please read that text now. WHAT: These two verses describe the very heart of the gospel. Notice how Paul refers to Jesus. Jesus…

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Keys for Successful Youth Ministry

Foundational to success in any work of God is Prayer, the Word of God, and the Power of the Holy Spirit upon those who minister.  How important that we remember that the work of ministry is a spiritual work, and spiritual work can only be carried out by spiritual people. It is also true that…

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Disciples in Training

The Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) meets on Sundays at 9:00.  The purpose is to equip saints for ministry.  Recently we completed a 9 week series on biblical discipleship.  Here are the discipleship notes and lessons available for free download. Discipleship in Training Booklet

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Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts

Download the notes for the ABF Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts Booklet. A special word of thanks to Brackenhurst Baptist Church for sharing much of this content with us.

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A person becomes an automatic citizen of a country by birth. Our first child born in Africa was Austin.  He was born in the Kalalushi Mine Hospital.  After Austin was born the hospital gave us a hospital report of birth.  We took that report to the Office of Births and Deaths in Lusaka and received a…

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